
Showing posts from August, 2021

FORCED COVID-19 VACCINATIONS! A better way or the legal way? A perspective on the constitutionality of employers' conduct.

 By Lincoln Majogo The discovery of covid-19 vaccines has brought a sigh of relief to governments all over the world as this boosts attempts to contain the scourge of the virus. The menacing virus which has ravaged the entire globe since 2019 remains formidable with variants reneging deadlier than earlier strains. Whilst I have and still advocate for people to be vaccinated, l endorse the approach that seeks the informed consent of the employee first before taking drastic measures. This is a personal view premised on the scientific studies that I have carried out concerning the efficacy of vaccines against viruses and variants. I encourage everyone to get vaccinated but again this should be in a manner consistent with constitutionalism. Recently, social media in Zimbabwe has been flooded with circulars from corporate giants such as TELONE giving ultimatums to their workers to get vaccinated by certain deadlines or face the blade of allowance deductions. The immediate question t