FORCED COVID-19 VACCINATIONS! A better way or the legal way? A perspective on the constitutionality of employers' conduct.
By Lincoln Majogo
The discovery of covid-19 vaccines
has brought a sigh of relief to governments all over the world as this boosts attempts to contain the scourge of the virus. The menacing virus which
has ravaged the entire globe since 2019 remains formidable with variants
reneging deadlier than earlier strains. Whilst I have and still advocate for people to be vaccinated, l endorse the approach that seeks the informed consent of the employee first before taking drastic measures. This is a personal view premised on the scientific studies that I
have carried out concerning the efficacy of vaccines against viruses and
variants. I encourage everyone to get vaccinated but again this should be in a
manner consistent with constitutionalism.
Recently, social media in
Zimbabwe has been flooded with circulars from corporate giants such as TELONE
giving ultimatums to their workers to get vaccinated by certain deadlines or
face the blade of allowance deductions. The immediate question that arises is
the legality and otherwise constitutionality of such conduct. In this essay, I
will unpack the constitutional implications of such conduct with an intention
to push for a more inclusive and constitutional manner of encouraging
I submit as a matter of fact that
the matter of vaccines is sensitive due to the health and privacy implications
associated with it. It is a moral crisis. On one hand, there exist the government's
efforts to contain the spread of the virus to ensure normalcy and on the other
exists the rights of private citizens to choose whether to be vaccinated or
not. Such friction isn’t just a Zimbabwean dilemma, it is a global crisis.
However, the question of constitutionality still needs to be examined. I will
make the argument that employers indeed have a right to mandate compulsory
vaccinations of employees; however, I call for a better way of seeking informed
consent first from employees.
It will be noted from the onset
that the Constitution of Zimbabwe protects the rights of
citizens in Zimbabwe. Such rights are a product of a historically painstaking
process of forging a social contract between governments and the people.
Section 1 of the Constitution Zimbabwe is a unitary, democratic and sovereign
Similarly, the preamble begins with
the phrase “We the people of Zimbabwe” which solemnly captures the source
of power from which the Document derives. Such rights cannot be abrogated willy-nilly.
Their limitation should only be provided under the Constitution of Zimbabwe. For
this reason, the new gains of the Constitution namely section 2 embody a
supremacy clause. The clause reads
This Constitution is the supreme law of
Zimbabwe and any law, practice, custom, or conduct inconsistent with it is
invalid to the extent of the inconsistency.
The implication is that any conduct
whether by a private, natural, or juristic person that tempers with the rights
inside the Constitution should be consistent with the norms of this sacred
Further, the provision reads “The obligations imposed by this
Constitution are binding on every person, natural
or juristic, including the State and all executive, legislative and
judicial institutions and agencies of government at every level, and must be
fulfilled by them”.
In this regard, companies such as
Telone purportedly issuing such circulars are bound to the provisions of the
Constitution. This is so because of the principle of the separate legal persona
of the corporate personality principle which perceives companies as distinct
legal personas from their employees. From this background, we will not dig deep
into the provisions of the Constitution that come into play in the present
Do employers have a right to
enforce mandatory vaccines?
It is conceded from the onset that
employers have a right to provide a safe working environment pursuant to
section 6(1) of the Labour Act. This duty is found in both statute and common
law. For instance in the case of SAR
& H v Cruywagen 1938 CPD 219 at 229 it was held that “an employer has a duty to provide a safe
working environment, safe equipment and a safe method of work”. There
exist a plethora of precedents justifying employer’s right to mandate
employees to be vaccinated.
The most common precedent and locus
classicus is the American case of Jacobson v. Massachusetts, 197 U.S. 11 (1905),
where the court upheld states' authority to enforce mandatory vaccination laws[1].
The Court held as follows:
"in every well ordered
society charged with the duty of conserving the safety of its members the
rights of the individual in respect of his liberty may at times, under the
pressure of great dangers, be subjected to such restraint, to be enforced by
reasonable regulations, as the safety of the general public may demand"
and that "[r]eal liberty for all could not exist under the operation of a
principle which recognizes the right of each individual person to use his own
[liberty], whether in respect of his person or his property, regardless of the
injury that may be done to others."
Furthermore, the Court held
that mandatory vaccinations are neither arbitrary nor oppressive so long as
they do not "go so far beyond what was reasonably required for the safety
of the public"[2].
However, this has not always
been the case. In some instances, different courts have dissented. For instance
in Solomakhin v
Ukraine the court held as follows at paragraph 33 of the judgment
Court reiterates that according to its case-law, the physical integrity of a
person is covered by the concept of “private life” protected by Article 8 of
the Convention (see X and Y v. the Netherlands,
26 March 1985, § 22, Series A no. 91). The Court has emphasized that a
person’s bodily integrity concerns the most intimate
aspects of one’s private life, and that compulsory medical
intervention, even if it is of a minor importance, constitutes an
interference with this right (see Y.F. v. Turkey, no. 24209/94,
§ 33, ECHR 2003‑IX, with further references). Compulsory vaccination – as an involuntary
medical treatment – amounts to an interference with the right to
respect for one’s private life, which includes a person’s
physical and psychological integrity, as guaranteed by Article 8 § 1
(see Salvetti
v. Italy (dec.),
no. 42197/98,
9 July 2002, and Matter v. Slovakia,
no. 31534/96,
§ 64, 5 July 1999).
This shows that by no means is this
a simple issue. Whilst l hold the view that in certain instances, employers may
indeed compel employees to be vaccinated, l submit that such reasons have to be
cogent and justifiable.
An argument has been marshaled
consistently that employers are acting constitutionally within the provisions
of section 6(1) of the Labour Act. The justification advanced by such proponents
is that unvaccinated persons create a danger to other employees namely the
vaccinated ones. This argument has not much scientific backing behind it. It is
a well-known scientific fact that vaccinated persons can still spread the virus
and worse off, fall to its dangerous whims. The Centre for Disease Control
(CDC) has released data showing that vaccinated people with the delta variant
carry similar viral loads as those who are unvaccinated.
Whilst it is not disputable that vaccination has substantial odds to reducing waves of deadly virus strains, the
justification of creating a safe working environment falls away. In any event, better
measures to obtain the informed consent of employees exists for instance
inviting experts to speak on the benefits of the vaccine as well as to answer
to the genuine concerns that some employees may have over the vaccine.
Be that as it may, the fact that both
vaccinated and unvaccinated persons can spread the virus is enough to do
substantial damage to the already limping justification proffered in favour of
employers. The environment is safe when people mask up, sanitize and practice
social distancing. In other words, these create a safe environment which is why
world over persons do not have to provide a vaccine certificate to enter public
shops so long as they are practicing social distancing, masking up and, sanitizing. I find that whilst employers have this right, in the present case there is no solid justification for exercising it.
Now we will proceed to deal with
the constitutional rights under siege. For the reasons proffered about, I
submit that employers should seek the informed consent of employees first
before reverting to drastic measures of mandatory vaccinations.
Fair labour standards.
Whilst common law remains alive in
our law, some of its vestiges of oppression cannot be sustained under the
purview of the new Constitution. It
should be noted that such conduct by the employer is tantamount to a unilateral
variation of a contract without the employees' consent against the trite principle
of sanctity of contracts. Not to say that this is a ripe field to cause
employees to resign from work. This conduct will of course be tantamount to
constructive dismissal which is an unfair labour practice that violates section
12 of the Labour Act.
In the present case, the act of
slashing benefits for the employee falls within the definition of intolerable
working conditions. During such trying times such as ours when the virus has
eroded account savings of most families, the conduct of employers is tantamount
to a death sentence through starvation. The conduct is a creation of intolerable
working conditions for the employee.
More sensitively, an argument can
be made that such conduct by employers amounts to servitude, which is a violation
of section 86 non-derogable rights. The definition proffered by Merriam-Webster
of servitude refers to “a condition in which one lacks liberty
especially to determine one’s course of action or way of life”. The action of employers indeed causes employees to get the vaccine jabs
against their consent. This reflects a hopeless situation where the employees'
decisions on such sensitive issues are purely disregarded.
to personal security
Further, the conduct of the
employers violate section 52 of the Constitution. Section 52 of the
Constitution reads
Every person has the right
to bodily and psychological integrity, which includes the right—
c. not to be subjected to
medical or scientific experiments, or the extraction or use of their bodily tissue,
without their informed consent.
Bodily integrity speaks equally to
the right of private persons to choose what to do with their bodies. The effect
of the conduct of employers is to violate this right. Employers should seek
consent first since the vaccine goes into the body of the private individual.
It is common cause that the vaccine is still undergoing various researches. The
importance of this right cannot be overemphasized (see Solomakhin v Ukraine supra).
Right to privacy & non-discrimination
Moreso, the conduct of employers is
a violation of the right to privacy. The constitution of Zimbabwe under section
56 provided for the right to health. Section 57(e) reads that “every
person has a right to privacy which included the right not to have their health
condition disclosed.” The net effect of the employer's conduct is to
force an employee to disclose their health conditions in the form of a vaccine
certificate. Patently, this conduct is inconsistent with this section. A person's
health condition is within the confines of their sensitive issues which they
can't disclose without their consent. Further, it has already been shown that a
positive status of covid-19 is associated with a great amount of stigma and
Freedom of conscience
Moreover, the conduct by employers
violates freedom of conscience. Section 60 of the Constitution reads:
60. Every
person has the right to freedom of conscience, which includes—
a. freedom of thought,
opinion, religion, or belief; and
b. freedom to practice and
propagate and give expression to their thought, opinion, religion, or belief,
whether in public or in private and whether alone or together with others.
The section is very instructive as
to the freedom that every person has regarding personal opinion, belief, and
religion. An argument has been marshaled that unvaccinated people are more
likely to spread the virus to others thus posing a threat or harm to other
persons. This view is motivated by a misunderstanding of the essence of
It is an argument from a mistaken
belief that vaccinated people cannot spread the virus. This is misplaced and
factually not correct. However, the arguments of herd immunity are sustainable.
The fact of the matter still is that some persons in some sections of society
have religious and personal beliefs that prohibit them from taking the vaccine.
The attempt by employers to force employees against their personal beliefs,
opinion, and thought to be vaccinated is unconstitutional and runs afoul
section 60.
The above-named rights are not
absolute. They can indeed be limited under section 86 of the Constitution. Section
86 on Limitation of rights and freedoms provides:
1. The fundamental rights
and freedoms set out in this Chapter must be exercised reasonably and with due
regard for the rights and freedoms of other persons.
2. The fundamental rights
and freedoms set out in this Chapter may be limited only in terms of a law of general
application and to the extent that the limitation is fair, reasonable, necessary,
and justifiable in a democratic society based on openness, justice, human
dignity, equality, and freedom, taking into account all relevant factors,
including-- a. the nature of the right or freedom concerned;
b. the purpose of the
limitation, in particular, whether it is necessary in the interests of defence,
public safety, public order, public morality, public health, regional or town
planning, or the general public interest; c. the nature and extent of the
Firstly subsection 2 succinctly
provides a due process test for limiting non-absolute rights. Such a test involves
first and foremost law of general application. I take note that one of the laws
of general application which is the Public Health Act under section 35 requires
persons to be given a choice to make an informed consent in such matters as vaccinations. Moreover, a good legal question that should be asked is whether
unvaccinated persons create an unsafe working environment even if they mask up,
sanitize and practice social distancing. In my respectful view, this is the crux in the present issue. I remain of the view that whilst employers do
have a legal right to compel vaccinations, it cannot be exercised under the
current justifications of creating a safe working environment.
should be noted that vaccination is a preferable way to go to curb the virus
and its deadly mutations. Zimbabwe has already made strides and inroads in the
vaccination program. The efforts have been successful due to campaigns and
social awareness on the importance of the vaccine. Such an approach allows
persons to practice their informed consent in choosing whether to be vaccinated
or not. Whilst employers have a legal right to compel vaccinations, l endorse
the better approach which has been the subject of today’s discussion.
Well articulated
ReplyDeleteI also think considering the nature of work is also important. The need for a Healthcare professional to be vaccinated is entirely different for a non-client facing office person.